Body Positive Dance Fitness

with Erin Curren

May 25 (Saturday)
at 4:00 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Body Positive Dance Fitness 1100 Brighton Avenue Portland Maine

Nia is a class experience that invites ALL of you to show up: a non-impact aerobic workout for your body, an expressive release for your emotional health, a visual buffet for your imagination, scientifically-based movements for nervous system (including brain) health, and finally a healing, integrated art form for your unique spirit.  


In Nia we encourage every body to move “your body’s way” which means we understand that how one person moves is going to be different than another person. We encourage you to listen to your “conscious personal trainer” that inner voice that says “I can do more” or “I’m at my ‘enough’” or “This feels good” and asks “How can I make this feel even better?” In Nia we believe that the body is a gift. To honor your body’s way is to honor the gift.


In a classic Nia class all students are encouraged to move barefoot, if that works for you! Each class begins by setting the focus and intent, which serves as a guiding theme for class, enhancing our mindfulness as we move. We then consciously step in to class, leaving behind distractions and becoming body-centered. Next comes the warm-up, gentle movements to activate all the major joints and deepen our felt-sense of the breath. Once warmed-up, we get moving with aerobic conditioning, using a combination of choreography interspersed often with moments of guided free-dance. After we have sustained this more intense part of class, we begin to cool down with floor play, providing us with the opportunity to condition the body using the weight of the body on the floor. This cycle may include pushing up off the floor, getting up and down from the floor, stretching on the floor, or simply reaching and touching in the direction of the floor. A wall may be used in place of the floor, or the movements may be adapted from a chair. Finally we bring our class experience to a close by stepping out with intention, consciously acknowledging what we’ve received from this experience and preparing to transition to the next activity. A classic Nia class includes the seven cycles outlined above and lasts 55-60 minutes. 


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